We're now part of the Cadmium product suite! Learn more here.
We have formal partnerships and integrations with popular audio visual providers, association management systems, and registration software companies.
We've partnered with leading industry organizations to deliver innovative solutions to event managers, trade show organizers, and meeting planners.
Our platform is perfect for continuing medical education. These organizations use CadmiumCD to increase compliance and deliver enduring materials.
We consider all our clients partners. Take a look at the organization and event types that use CadmiumCD to achieve overall business success.
CadmiumCD has developed working relationships with MPI, CIC, PCMA, IAEE, BizBash, HIP Network, SPiN, and other industry leaders. And we're members, exhibitors, and regular attendees at major industry events.
We're a full event management platform for conference, trade shows, and educational meetings. But that doesn't mean we're all inclusive. Your favorite registration tool, AMS, and event tech works in tandem with our system.
Build the right technology platform for your conference, trade show, or educational meeting with CadmiumCD. Let's schedule a time to discuss your events and how CadmiumCD's system can fit into your workflow.
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